MAA Ad of the Week: Barnardo’s from Don’t Panic
If, like me, you spend the odd hour or so navigating digital TV channels trying to find something to watch (why does Discovery produce such schlock – there isn’t a Bigfoot and Oak Island is possibly the most boring place on earth) you’ll be bombarded with charity ads.
Sign up a recognisable thespian playing sombre, add footage of suffering children (or animals) and off you go – unfortunately not until a couple of arduous minutes later. It’s not that they aren’t good causes (or one assumes they’re OK) but fatigue steps in from the outset.
Barnardo’s is a veteran charity and it’s back with new branding (or platform, everybody seems to need one of those too these days) but at least it’s produced a very good ad from Don’t Panic.
Striking (although a bit murky – maybe they chose the wrong weather for the shoot) and you feel for the child. The ‘mollusc,’ as Barnardo’s calls it, is a neat device.