Ad effectiveness measurement System1 reckons the ads are better in the Women’s World Cup football than they were in the men’s.
System1’s Test Your Ad platform predicts the short and long-term commercial impact of ads by measuring viewers’ second-by-second emotional responses to creative. It assigns ads a Star Rating, from 1 to 5.9-Stars.
Top five
ITV (UK) – “The Pride has Arrived” – 4.4 Stars
Claro (Brazil) – “Todas Marias” – 4.3 Stars
Nike (Brazil) – “Debinha I Joga Forever” – 4.1 Stars
Adidas (UK) – “Play Until They Can’t Look Away” – 3.8 Stars
Frito Lay (US) – “Taste of Greatness” – 3.7 Stars
By comparison, System1’s test of 20 ads from UK, US and Brazilian advertisers in the men’s World Cup last year found only one 4-Star ad, while half the ads scored between 1 and 2 Stars. The women’s tournament has already scored three 4-Star ads and six 3-Star ads.
System1 chief customer officer Jon Evans says: “Sport as a platform has universal appeal, so there’s a lot of value in sponsorship if brands get it right. For the women’s tournament, many advertisers are leveraging famed athletes and celebrities, plus right-brained elements like melodic music, humour and distinctive assets that capture consumers’ broad-beam attention and drive long-term market share growth.”