
Lionsgate+ gets off to spectacular start with adam&eveDDB

Lions Gate Entertainment is rebranding its streaming offer Starzplay outside North America as Lionsgate+ – not before time, Starzplay sounds. like a naff old video game – with adam&eveDDB and other agencies within Omnicom’s DDB on the case.

So we have a CGI wonderland with exploding brains, distressed viewers and all the rest of it. Requiring the services of three post houses it seems.

All very spectacular and impactful although it seems a bit light on actual content although Julianne Moore pops up at one point.

Makes an interesting contrast with another streaming newbie Paramount+, launched by former A&E founders James Murphy and David Golding at their New Commercial Arts. Paramount+ has gone heavy on content, even if it means a large dose of the sometimes unendurable Jack Whitehall.

Sometimes essaying the bleedin’ obvious is the way to go – as Murphy and Golding well know.

Lionsgate+? Spectacular, yes, but needs more beef.

MAA creative scale: 6.5.

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