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Ad tech Criteo takes net neutrality plea to the Super Bowl
Paris-based Criteo must be the first ad tech firm to splash out the dollars on a Super Bowl ad. The company, which describes itself as the “commerce media platform for the open internet,” is running a lively, if somewhat mystifying, spot in New York, San Francisco and Chicago.
Criteo says it’s trying to spark a debate among businesses as well as consumers about the aforementioned open internet – so-called net neutrality. Not entirely sure what a closed internet is but it seems to be something to do with wicked ISPs exploiting their data to exploit you (and, presumably, make Criteo’s business more troublesome.)
MAA creative scale: somewhere between 4 and 7.
This spot is completely incomprehensible and without any explanation as to what Criteo might be; a total train wreck. The visual effects are laughably bad, the audio is a muddy litter and the logo for Criteo is so unintelligible that it looks like CORITEO. Who put this monstrosity together? Shame.
Yeah this commercial smacks of inexperience in the medium and communications messaging. It’s really poorly done.