
Former Lucky Generals CEO gives media a try at Wavemaker

Katie Lee, the new chief growth officer at Wavemaker, has held a lot of high profile roles in the ad industry. She was CEO of Lucky Generals until a year ago, and has been managing director of Y&R, Leo Burnett, Gravity Road, Sunshine, and before that worked at BBH and Saatchi & Saatchi, having started out at Collett Dickenson Pearce around 20 years ago.

She was CEO of a women’s wellbeing app called Clementine for most of 2021, but is now back in the ad world.

Lee says that working at Clementine fuelled her enthusiasm for media and adds: “Wavemaker is thinking so progressively about how to transform clients’ business and is building a team with the diverse skillset to make that happen. I’m excited to join a business with huge ambition who is not afraid of doing things differently and with a relentless focus on the future.”

Paul Hutchison, Wavemaker CEO, said: “To have someone of Katie’s calibre agree to return to Adland as part of the Wavemaker executive team is a real honour. She has a truly fearless attitude that perfectly reflects Wavemaker’s approach to growth. This coupled with her depth of experience across industries and clients, and with the support of our talented new leadership team, will, I have no doubt, deliver us and our clients exceptional growth in the years ahead.”

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