
Adam&eveDDB produces mini lockdown masterpiece for Mars Temptations

One of the defining features of the very best agencies is that everything that’s let out the building has class – no matter how big or small the project is.

Here’s adam&eveDDB for Mars Temptations, not the biggest maybe (although it’s a very big client) but spot on in everything. With a home truth about lockdown – how it’s driving us all mad, pet owners more than others perhaps.

A&E faces a challenging 2021: it can hardly have escaped the Omnicom job cull and it has new agency challengers: Uncommon, for example, just voted Campaign’s agency of the year (historic A&E territory) as it was by MAA back in December. New Commercial Arts is helmed by A&E founders James Murphy and David Golding and has already hoovered up Halifax (from A&E), assignments from Vodafone and Uber and, most recently, Moneysupermarket. Some of this might have come A&E’s way if the dynamic duo were still there.

Uncommon and NCA, conversely, face the challenge of ensuring everything they produce is as smart and elegant as Richard Brim’s creative department nearly always manages at A&E.

Should make for an entertaining 2021 parlour game.

Mars Temptations: MAA creative scale: 9.

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