BBC film silences the critics, with help from the Hot Priest and Bill Bailey
The i newspaper writes that “professional BBC bashers are acting against the public interest” and, looking at this glorious promotional film from BBC Creative, who could argue? It’s a celebration of all that the BBC has to offer and includes lots of playful fun with the BBC acronym.
Ian Burrell cites a recent paper written by London Business School professor Patrick Barwise and cultural commentator Peter York called “The War on the BBC.” It points out that cuts imposed by former chancellor George Osborne in 2010 and 2015 have reduced public funding of the BBC by 30%, putting the broadcaster at a huge disadvantage in fighting global competitors.
There are still plenty of think tanks eager to dismantle the BBC and ditch the license fee, but surely we need all the soft global power we can muster now that Brexit is done? Osborne at least seems to have changed his mind, and has put himself in the running for the BBC director general job.
Kerris Bright, the BBC’s chief customer officer, says: “This is a showcase of the range and breadth of what our audiences love and what the BBC means people across the nations. Whether it’s drama, comedy, the latest news – classic moments, or fresh, new shows – whatever you are into, there is a BBC for all of us. The film reflects the diversity of our audience, our talent and our programming and the great value our audiences get from BBC.”
Agree it’s a good film but the BBC should be putting all their messaging into their brilliant initiative helping out schools and colleges