Sport England is trying to persuade the nation to take more exercise, even though it has to be (mostly) at home. And that’s the problem.
Sure they’re right when they say we’re taking far less exercise and perhaps right to foist yet more user generated content (UGC as it’s entered the language) on us in this admittedly perky effort from FCB Inferno.
But after weeks of lockdown (and a startling absence of any really good news on the virus) we’re all getting thoroughly sick of it, including the hectoring from government and other authorities. From time to time social media agencies send us data about how people are reacting online. A sample of one reckons the use of the term “house arrest” is figuring much more prominently in UK media.
PM Boris Johnson takes the tiller again this week after recovering from coronavirus. For most of his career Boris has had the knack of landing on his feet, despite his preference for the high wire. Let’s hope the fabled Boris fortune signals some good news and the first steps towards ending the lockdown in the UK.
In the meantime efforts like this to persuade us to jig around happily at home are probably doomed to failure.
MAA Usefulness Scale: 3.