Adam&eveDDB launches ‘BikerTek’ biker safety campaign for Highways England
Here’s an interesting initiative from Highways England by adam&eveDDB with Haygarth, ‘BikerTek’ parts ‘shops’ at motorcycling events showing the bits of titanium that end up in your body when you have a motorbike accident (assuming it’s not fatal of course.)
Motorcyclists account for one per cent of traffic but 20 per cent of serious accidents it seems. Don’t think you can buy a piece of titanium for a rainy day.
Highways England head of marketing and events Annemarie Hennessy says: “While motorbikes account for less than one per cent of vehicles on UK roads, more than 20 per cent of all serious injuries and fatalities happen to motorcyclists. In addition to raising awareness through BikerTek, we are encouraging riders to attend advanced riding courses such as BikeSafe and Biker Down run by the emergency services, plus those from the Institute of Advanced Motorists and RoSPA.”
Adam&eveDDB managing partner Mike Stern says: “Bike safety campaigns tend to use shock tactics, but that approach can often miss the mark. We wanted bikers to be as passionate about their safety as they are about their bikes. With BikerTek, we were able to engage bikers in new way and talk to them directly about an issue they can’t afford to ignore.”
Yours truly’s son has one of these in his leg following a mercifully brief foray into motor scooters so there’s an ouch factor here.
Interesting that the only people who seem to believe in advertising in the UK these days are public services and broadcasters.
Worthy but will it work?
MAA creative scale: 7.5.
Being a biker I’ve seen this….always interested in ‘parts’ I wandered in and had a chat….
I’m not convinced. We know what happens to bikers who crash.
Biker down, bike safe and the IAM teach skills that stop you crashing or at least improve your chances of avoiding one….I’ve done all of those, both my kids ride and they’ll be doing them too.
Scare tactics….I don’t think so… if we were scared we wouldn’t be riding a bike in the first place.