Is Cadbury’s Darkmilk from VCCP too downbeat?
Cadbury, which makes a chocolate-like substance for these definition-heavy days, is trying its hand at nostalgia for its new Darkmilk – which is a bit like its milk chocolate and plain chocolate, but isn’t. All clear?
Anyway, agency VCCP is continuing its rather downbeat approach for the Mondelez brand, this time by exhuming Jason Donovan (of eighties Neighbours fame) and Kim Wilde (a singer from the same era.)
This because (some of us) are now “a bit grown-up,” like them. Actually they seem rather sad.
The acid test of ads like these is, do they work? They’re certainly not going to energise awards juries but VCCP has built a formidable reputation for gaining and keeping clients.
A bit of flair wouldn’t go amiss though.
MAA creative scale: 5.