Best ads of 2018: adam&eveDDB leads a notable Christmas pack – in November
November’s best ads are mostly Christmas ads – next year it’ll be October’s probably as these are breaking ever earlier and earlier – and there’ve been a lot.
The Mother/Iceland/Greenpeace ‘Rang-Utan’ edit has gained the most views early on and, arguably made the biggest impact (even though you can’t see it on UK TV.)
Adam&eveDDB traditionally opens a sack of goodies at Christmas. Here’s Elton John for John Lewis, a change in direction that seems to have worked (more than 11m YouTube views.)
Waitrose and John Lewis, deftly referencing the above.
And good works for the National Lottery, a sign the campaign’s coming together perhaps.
Finally (from them): International Committee of the Red Cross. Makes its point powerfully without laying a guilt trip on you and gives you a proper reason to donate at the end.
Sainsbury’s ‘Big Night’ from Wieden+Kennedy has a lot of fans.
KFC determinedly zagging, from Mother.
From left field, Phil Beastall’s solo effort ‘Love is a Gift.’
And Aesop’s pro bono offering for Childhood Trust
One non-Christmas effort that demands a mention is AMV BBDO’s ‘Viva La Vulva’ for Libresse, a joyous funny ad you can watch over and over.
All in all pretty good. Is there any inspiration left for December?