YouTube reveals its UK Christmas winners
Christmas seems to come earlier every year – some titles have announced their agency of the year already and it’s only the start of December (ours will be next week) – and YouTube has released its list of top UK Christmas ads.
We’ve noted all of these before and also that the overall viewer numbers seem down, although there’s still three weeks to go.
So it’s John Lewis top (8.9m) then M&S (6.5m), Sainsbury’s (4.4m), (4.4m), Argos (2.5m), Aldi (2.5m), Waitrose (1.9m), Debenhams (1.4m), Boots (1.2m) and Apple (1.8m – downweighted by YouTube for some reason, “organic” views maybe).
No great surprises there; one might have expected Asda to have come in higher while Ogilvy’s ambitious effort for Vodafone featuring Martin Freeman doesn’t seem to have tugged the nation’s heartstrings.
Sainsbury’s agency Wieden+Kennedy has done well with a ‘karaoke’ extension of its year-long campaign, eschewing its previous epics, while St Luke’s has performed again for (relative) minnow Very.