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Verizon’s Oath debut is something of a four letter word

Verizon has merged its two big internet acquisitions – the largely unloved AOL and Yahoo – into Oath and is setting out to flood the marketing world with oodles of content that nobody much wants either. This is the brainchild of ex-Googler Tim Armstrong, a veteran click chaser.

Seems that we’re all brands these days – yes, even you and me – and Oath, or so it claims, is just the ticket to bring us all together. Verizon has agency-type ambitions too, hiring WPP’s Xaxis boss Brian Lesser to run the programmatic side of things. This is an in-house creative effort, featuring augmented reality it seems.

What’s more to say? AR or not, it’s terrible.

MAA creative scale: 2.


  1. I’ve used AOL mail for over 20 years with minimal problems until now, the emergence of Oath, is starting to drive me crazy It slows mail to snail’s pace and seems to have more technical problems than my ageing body. It is true to say I’m not a fan of programmatic ads.they are both too intrusive and annoying but tend to accept them as part of a ‘free’ email service but Oath’s current usage is driving me crazy. It’s fact I need to buy some new car tyres, but whilst the prices and free fitting in Austin Texas is a great offer, it’s a hell of a long drive from the U.K.

  2. I think you will find Brian Lesser is joining AT&T – to head up the new advertising group which will be formed as part of the proposed AT&T and Time Warner merger. This is potentially a very different story and much more around developing cross screen and growing the US addressable TV market.

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