Nike and W+K explore the minds of football strikers
Nike is launching yet another football boot, this one’s called ‘Hypervenom.’
And it’s kitting out the world’s top strikers – well the ones on Nike’s books. So Wieden+Kennedy London’s launch campaign, with animation by Buck, endeavours to get into the minds of these venomous chaps.
You need a Brit in there so here’s Tottenham’s Harry Kane.
Poor Harry can’t hit a cow’s arse with a banjo at the moment but he’ll doubtless get over it (probably against Evertom at the weekend, alas).
And Barcelona’s Neymar (who may yet be Manchester United’s Neymar – probably on the grounds that they want to be spend a lot, on anybody).
Different and brave. Does it work? Must ask footballing son.
MAA creative scale: 6.5