Lloyds picks adam&eveDDB for birthday project – thereby hangs a tail, sorry, tale
I see that adam&eveDDB has won the account/project to plug Lloyds Bank’s 250th anniversary (so that’ll be more black horses then).
Last time adam&eve (then without the DDB) was approached by Lloyds it caused all sorts of grief, then over an Olympics project.
The adam&eve-ites were on gardening leave from previous agency RKCR/Y&R when the call came. RKCR/Y&R, owned by WPP, handled Lloyds then as now.
WPP boss Sir Martin Sorrell wasn’t best pleased by this breakaway, having made great efforts to keep James Murphy, David Golding and BenPriest in the fold. He was still more discombobulated to find that Lloyds had been on the blower to the ungrateful trio.
Hence, eventually, the lawsuit that cost adam&eve about £1m. Adam&eve eventually agreed it had “overstepped the mark.”
Well Lloyds has finally got its men, albeit for a one-off. But it won’t be good news for RKCR/Y&R which has not had the best of times recently.
Lloyds Banking Group has already pushed considerable business adam&eve’s way in the form of the massive Halifax account.
Would LBS like both of its accounts in the one agency? Seems unlikely but we all thought that about John Lewis and Waitrose, and they’re both now at client magnet adam&eveDDB.
This is an updated version of an earlier post.