DLKW Lowe wins new GeoLotto online game
There’s a seemingly never-ending stream of new games/lotteries these days thanks to the wonders of the internet and DLKW Lowe has won a new one, GeoLotto in a pitch against Albion.
GeoLotto is an online lottery game supported by UK lottery company Tipp24. The new online game utilizes Google maps software to divide the country into a grid of purchasable squares that are entered into a prize draw every Saturday for the chance to win cash prizes including a top prize of £1m.
DLKW Lowe chairman Tom Knox says: “We think GeoLotto is a fantastic innovation in online gaming with uniquely attractive game play and we look forward to the challenge of launching the brand and establishing it in the UK market.”
So far this year DLKW Lowe has won new business from Ofgem, Dementia Friends, British Heart Foundation, Calor Gas, UKFI, NHS, Lenovo and Cornetto.