
It’s business as usual at post-Mendelsohn Karmarama as agency wins Virgin Active’s ad account

images-1Lively London agency Karmarama seems to have survived the loss of high profile boss and former IPA president Nicola Mendelsohn, who’s gone off to be something big and spectacularly well paid at Facebook Europe, as it’s still picking up business.

It’s now been appointed by Virgin Group to handle successful gym chain Virgin Active. Virgin has over 1.5m members in its 272 health club spanning eight countries including, intriguingly, Namibia although not, to date, the US.

Virgin Active is one of Virgin founder sir Richard Branson’s better brainwaves although, so far, advertising hasn’t played a big role in its growth. But ambitious Karmarama now boasts a selection of companies including marketing services firm Crayon, acquired in 2012, and social media agency Grape which it acquired earlier this year.

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