A mixed 30-second bag: Amazon Business, Hillarys and UK Finance
We’ve rather lost the art of 30 seconds but here are three examples showing what can and can’t (in one case shouldn’t) be done.
First up is Amazon Business from Joint showing that Rome really could have been built in a day, if only Emperor Bezos had been in charge.
Nicely done and a good idea. But with all that set-building/CGI couldn’t they let it run a little longer? After all Amazon has the readies, whatever the media agency said.
MAA creative scale: 6.
Now Hillarys from Red Brick Road, with Jennifer Saunders doing the V/O honours. Hillarys products are pricey but this makes a good case of showing why.
HILLARYS BLINDS MASTER BRAND ADVERT (Red Brick Road) from Red Brick Road on Vimeo.
Again a bit more might have helped. The really great 30-second ads were minimalist.
MAA: 6.
Finally ‘Reach Out’ from M&C Saatchi for UK Finance, representing mortgage lenders. Mortgage customers are having an awful time of course, with rising rates.
Inter alia, includes a comprehensive butchering of a Four Tops tune (and why does it need an on-screen warbler anyway?) Plus a reassuring northern voice (usually it’s a stage Scot.)
The message seems to be that pleading for help with your mortgage payments won’t affect your credit score. Are they really sure about this?
Don’t you not love bankers..
MAA: 2.