
WPP’s new Coke agency Open X wants the world to sing along with Sprite

Coca-Cola appointing WPP as its lead agency for just about everything last year was probably just about the most significant account move and the mighty resources of WPP’s newly-minted Open X team have now produced a new global “platform” for $20bn brand Sprite – ‘Heat Happens.’

And an all-powerful mnemonic – ‘bing bang bong, bing bang bong (repeat as required.)

Is that it, you may ask?

Well it might not be as daft as it sounds, back in the mists of history McDonald’s decided to plaster ‘I’m lovin’ it’ over all its ads, an Americanism that jarred with, say, its UK ads which had a different tone altogether. But you got used to it.

These bings and bongs are aimed squarely at Gen Z (teenies and others currently obsessed by TikTok) according to Sprite global brand director Shrenik Dasani who says it’s.. “tailored to what we believe are Gen Z lifestyle truths. Our ambition really is to engage Generation Z and recruit them into a weekly ritual of consuming Sprite.”

So Sprite’s the thing to help frustrated teens cope with hassles, ‘heat moments’ as Sprite has it. Social media (including TikTok) is doubtless designated to do the really heavy lifting.

Trying to anticipate Gen Z behaviour must be rather akin to herding cats although, doubtless, Open X has commissioned yards of research to back this up.

Will it work? Haven’t a clue and only time will tell. Easy to see how it can be global anyway.

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