Agency finder platform Sortlist has been doing something else useful by totting up the amounts spent on Facebook and Instagram owner Meta over the past four years and, surprise, surprise, it’s the politicos up near the top.
It’s candidates in the US but in the UK – where there are ad restrictions on such hucksters – it’s charities followed by government. Which is a bit rich as these two groups never tire of telling us what an evil entity Meta is – or can be in the wrong hands (clearly someone else’s.)
The Scottish government spent £2.5m in the period, the Labour Party £1.5m. In the UK, despite spending the most, charities only displayed 43,931 ads – less than half of what the government/political policies showed. Which doubtless tells us something although not entirely sure what. Maybe that such messages bombard us with trivia?
Globally Facebook bagged £98.5 billion in ad revenue in 2021.
Nice to know what Zuckerberg and co. are supporting democratic institutions. Knighhood for Zuck?