
MAA blast from the past: Terry Lovelock’s Heineken

I see that legendary CDP copywriter (also commercials director and celebrated jazz drummer) Terry Lovelock has died at 84.

In adland Lovelock will be remembered chiefly for two things: the Heineken campaign and his extraordinary generosity with the CDP agency’s credit card (he once took the whole agency to lunch, a veritable crocodile arcing down from the wastes of Euston Road to his beloved Charlotte Street.)

We don’t have a record of this sadly. For Heineken Lovelock took himself off to Marrakesh in search of inspiration (the brief was simply ‘refreshment’) but, after weeks, came there none. CDP’s then boss Frank Lowe had advised him not to come back if inspiration kept failing. Then, at three in the morning, it struck.

Here’s the first one.

You wouldn’t do it that way now, of course.

It wouldn’t be as good either. We need more Lovelocks, not less.

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