Placed in the context of kids’ ambitions, this diatribe against Trump is very powerful. “When I grow up I want to… mock the disabled, put kids in cages, be a racist, divide the country, be a bully…” The list goes on, providing a chilling litany of President Trump’s perceived shortcomings.
One child says “Destroy democracy,” although ironically Donald Trump might actually be in the process of saving it, if people continue to vote at the current rate until 3rd November, and the high turnout delivers an unequivocal winner.
The film was made for the Partnership for a Trump Free America (a reference to the Partnership for a Drug-Free America) by three freelance advertising creatives who have worked together before. They used their own kids, and friends’ kids, in the ad, which is a parody of this famous Super Bowl commercial from 1999, made by agency Mullen.