
Argos and T&P bang the drum to ‘Gotta Get Thru This’

Argos’ lockdown idea is to build on the popularity of its Christmas ad, which saw a dad and a daughter drumming to Simple Minds for a full three minutes.

For the last few weeks, Argos asked Brits to annoy the neighbours and create their own drumming sequences, using whatever household implements are to hand. This time the song of choice is Daniel Bedingfield’s “Gotta Get Thru This,” and The&Partnership has created a compilation of the public’s best efforts to run during Britain’s Got Talent.

It is said that people cleave to the familiar during a crisis, which benefits the brands that have built up longer-running campaigns. This is a fun response from Argos — and teaching yourself to drum makes a change from learning to make sourdough or bake banana bread.

MAA creative scale: 6.5

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