Melanie Sykes returns for Boddingtons – but have we moved on or moved back?
I see that Melanie Sykes has returned to the Boddingtons fold, some 20 years or so after appearing in a BBH classic ad. Here she is on the “Tour de Formby.”
And in the desert for BBH supplying the “cream of Manchester.”
Comparisons are sometimes invidious and the recent Boddingtons effort is respectable enough.
Don’t think BBH or anyone else would get away with it these days, more’s the pity. A big budget and what looks like an in-joke at the expense of the Hugh Hudson/Tony Kaye school of ad making.
Boddingtons was owned by Whitbread in those days and Whitbread then believed in top of the range advertising, most notably for Heineken. Have we moved on or moved back?
When Boddingtons was still brewed in Manchester (It’s probably made in China now that it belongs to “Nuns Piss company, AB-InBev) The brewery was right next to Strangeways jail. All the prisoners could smell 24/7 was beer being made. Talk about cruel and unusual punishment. Bloody hell!