Two trends in adland searching for the laughter button
Trends in ads usually start in the US and P&G’s Cannes winner ‘It’s a Tide Ad’ with David Harbour has prompted imitators already, commercials sending up commercials. We’ve had Dennis Quaid for Esurance and now it’s Aaron Rodgers and Colin Jost for Izod. Doing what it says on the tin.
Not bad.
Has it got legs? Maybe actors/celebs prefer being in ads that take the piss.
Much more difficult is the comedy vignette, mini comedy sketches that used to be the staple of the best British advertising. But they require clever writers and brave clients (the audience might not laugh), thin on the ground today it seems.
Wieden+Kennedy Portland is always wiling to have a shot though and its latest efforts for Bud Light hit the spot (and no Dilly Dilly).
You may hate the product, even the idea of the product, but these are funny and brilliantly played by John Hoogenakker as the king. A medieval Machiavelli before his time.
Will other clients and agencies have a go? Would liven up things no end.