
The secret of Bud Light’s success – there isn’t one

AB InBev is bringing its Bud Light ‘Dilly Dilly’ ad campaign to the UK – cue groans from Wieden+Kennedy London perhaps – so expect lots more madcap medievalism.

But it’s certainly had a big impact in the US and here’s CMO Miguel Patricio explaining to Business Insider the genesis of the campaign – influenced by the new series of Game of Thrones – with the interesting observation that it bombed in research. And dilly dilly doesn’t mean anything. But he went ahead anyway.

In comparison to recent TV series hanging on the coat tails of GoT – like Sky’s ‘Britannia’ and the BBC’s ‘Troy – fall of a city’ it begins to look like a work of art.

Way back there was another even more famous beer campaign (from CDP) that bombed in research but the late Tony Simmonds-Gooding at Whitbread said ‘sod it’ too.

Way to go guys.

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