On this week’s #MediaSnack Tom and David begin a countdown to the one year anniversary of the Media Transparency Report published by the Association of National Advertisers on 7th June 2016.
Across the next few weeks they will look into key areas where there has been significant change. This week they look at Media Transparency and Tom recounts his experiences at the Festival of Media Global where he hosted a session with Gerry D’Angelo, the recently appointed Global Media Director of P&G, the world’s largest advertiser.
Tom notes that this Q&A is a continuation of the narrative started by P&G’s Chief Brand Officer Marc Pritchard in a series of keynote speeches on Media Transparency earlier this year.
Tom and David also discuss the transparency issues raised by news that Vivendi has bid to acquire a controlling stake (60 per cent) of the Havas Group. This has raised some eyebrows and concern over whether a major content business should also own a media buying business, which perhaps should be acting wholly neutrally and objectively from the supply side.
They ask if this is a conflict of interest and to what extent the new Vivendi-owned Havas Group will need to reassure the market of their integrity. We expect this will lead to a big play on media transparency from Havas to position this deal as a positive one for advertisers.