
Mother hires Ogilvy’s Falusi for New York, lights up the screen for IKEA

Mother New York has hired Ogilvy New York CCO Corinna Falusi as CCO and partner. Paul Malmstrom, founding partner and CCO at Mother New York, is moving up to creative chairman.

corinna-falusi-hed-2015_0Falusi (left), who became New York CCO at Ogilvy in January 2015, previously worked at the more Mother-like StrawberryFrog in Amsterdam and New York and Jung Von Matt in Hamburg. At Ogilvy she worked on Coke Zero, Coca-Cola, Amex Tiffany and Ikea.

Talking of which, Mother London has produced the latest in its ‘Wonderful Everyday’ series for IKEA, this one, ‘Welcome Home,’ plugging IKEA’s lighting.

A charming tale, skilfully told – with an idea!

A bit like its Boots Christmas ad of a couple of years ago.

We’re dishing out 9s like confetti at the moment (despite forswearing such scores at the start of the year) but this deserves one too.

Have London agencies upped their game? Is it the adam&eve effect? Have some clients realised that making proper TV ads – even campaigns in some instances – actually works? Mother’s always been one of the UK’s creative elite but it seems to have struck a rich vein.

As for New York, might IKEA be interested in Ms Falusi’s arrival?

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