
Multi-coloured Apple says it’s perfected plastic in new TBWA iPhone 5C campaign

Isn’t technology wonderful? All that stuff inside Apple’s new iPhone 5 and what are they promoting? That you can have it in lots of colours.

But that’s the market for you these days and at least it’s a less taxing proposition than Google Specs or a saucer-sized computer on your wrist.

And, after taking a few pot shots at TBWA for its recent Apple efforts, this is done with some old Apple style (although ‘plastic perfected’ is pushing it a bit).


Microsoft clearly wasn’t too impressed so it decided to put out these clumpy videos which seem to depict Apple design boss Jonathan Ive and CEO Tim Cook.

But now, after a tidal wave of derision, it’s decided to pull them.

Actually they would have been quite good fun if they’d been done properly. But that’s Microsoft for you.

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