WCRS taste for celebs vindicated by Sky’s Al Pacino
WCRS in the UK has become (as my friend George Parker remarks) the celebs agency of choice – in its Churchill Insurance ads (Dawn French now, ye gods) and the current campaign for Sky Fibre super-dooper broadband.
Sky, of course, is rather fond of celebs itself, to plug the likes of Sky Atlantic.
All this make sense from Sky’s point of view; if only to remind the likes of new sports rival BT that it has deep, deep pockets.
Actually I rather like this one featuring Al Pacino. Al is worth watching even when he’s bad and here he’s rather good. “Sky…Sounds big!”
Well you can’t get much more on strategy than that.
More of George’s Confessions of a Mad Man tomorrow.
Sorry to disagree, but this is Pacino at his absolute hammiest, and that takes some doing. Only Nicholas Cage could be more embarrassingly over the top than this. The supporting cast are dull beyond belief, and surely the golfball hitting the screen could have been done to look realistic. Whoever approved the script obviously said “Pachino? Sounds big!”. I suspect the only big this about this is the budget…
As readers of AdScam know, I am not reticent to refer to myself as an “AdHo.” And I fully understand that people trying to make it in the thespian profession will dress up as bears, alligators or fucking giant spiders, until they get their starring role in an epic… BUT… Pacino, et al… Do not need to debase themselves do they? Unless he is reprising his final moments in “Scarface” and needs a fistful of readies to pay for that mountain of “Blow!”
Cheers/George “AdScam” Parker