Wispa and Fallon unveil Boris-style ‘frothy beast.’
Mondelez is pretty active at the moment and the former Kraft snacks business is launching Cadbury Wispa Hot Chocolate (Wispa’s a Cadbury chocolate brand) with this new TV campaign, ‘Frothy Beast’ (as opposed to sexy beast), from Fallon. Which rather makes you wonder why they don’t call the business Cadbury not Mondelez.
The beast himself seems to have been inspired by libidinous London mayor Boris Johnson.
Frothybeast Cadbury Wispa hot chocolate from wispacadbury on Vimeo.
Nice to see Saatchi-owned Fallon London getting its mojo back. A few years ago Fallon was about the most famous creative agency in the world with Cadbury’s ‘Gorilla” and Sony’s ‘Bouncing Balls’ and then seemed to implode.
Can you tell me who plays Frothy Beast