
McDonald’s UK departs the golden arches for ‘Only at McDonald’s’

Guess you’ve really made it as a brand when you can dispense with the logo – even the famous golden arches. Which is what McDonald’s is doing with its new ‘platform,’ ‘Only at McDonald’s’ from Leo Burnett.

All examples of what you do at you-know-where.

Marketing director Matthew Reischauer says: “Only at McDonald’s shines a light on the special and unique relationship we have with our fans and the many ways they enjoy our food. We are excited for the reaction; everyone across the nation should feel included and be able to see a piece of themselves in the work, in our celebration of those small, everyday moments that make McDonald’s a special part of people’s lives.”

KFC and Mother appear to have dumped the colonel permanently. Will the arches return? These work just as well without it. Clever all round and nicely executed.

MAA creative scale: 8.5.

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