
Glenmorangie gets its money’s worth from Harrison Ford

A few days ago we fulminated about the lazy use of celebs in ads, reminding readers that they were best used in character with a story to tell – as exemplified in neolithic times by the great CDP (Leonard Rossiter and Joan Collins for Cinzano etc.)

Glenmorangie scotch whisky is clearly investing a lot in the venerable Harrison Ford, succeeding in dragging him away to the Scottish highlands and even wearing a kilt (later in a series of 12.) So Harrison’s earning his money. Here he is in the ‘hero’ film directed by Joel Edgerton, mulling over the idea with a glass of you-know-what.

Lead production agency Bandits Production with the UK’s Hungry Man. Creative director was Justin O’Shea.

Glenmorangie Company CEO Caspar MacRae says: “Harrison Ford is the real deal: a true global icon, and a genuine whisky lover. It was a dream come true to collaborate on this campaign, and welcome him to our home in the Highlands to discover more about Glenmorangie.

“Like us, he’s not afraid to laugh at himself – and I think Joel has perfectly captured his authentic warmth, alongside his roguish sense of humour. We hope whisky lovers around the world will enjoy exploring the episodes, and learning more about the real people and places behind our whiskies, through Harrison’s eyes.”

Ford says: “I loved working with the team at the distillery – they were all great. The whole process of filming was full of unanticipated joys: little unexpected moments. It’s a tribute to Glenmorangie’s sensibilities that they let us be less than totally serious. I think what Joel has produced has a certain charm to it, because it’s unpretentious and just amusing.”

No ad agency it seems. Maybe they’re best kept away from celebs.

MAA creative scale: 9 (best whisky ad in years.)

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