
Apple’s ‘The Greatest’ wins The One Show – the first of many

New York’s The One Show remains one of adland’s elite awards events and the big winner this year was Apple (there’s a surprise), specifically its ‘The Greatest’ ad from Apple London. Quite a feather in London’s cap.

Disability may be a disadvantage in life, even with Apple’s gadgets and software, but it does rather help in awards shows. The Greatest may well follow Channel 4’s ‘Meet the Superhumans’ in sweeping up at this year’s shows, including Cannes. Directed by Kim Gehrig.

The Greatest also received Best of Show, one Best of Discipline, five Gold Pencils (three in Brand-Side/In-House, and one each in Film & Video and Music & Sound Craft), and a Silver in Moving Image Craft & Production.

BBDO Canada was named Agency of the Year, Wieden+Kennedy now enjoying something of a creative renaissance, independent agency and also indie network, Ogilvy network of the year and Apple in-house agency of the year. It might well win the latter for years to come.

Creative holding company of the year was Omnicom and production company Smuggler New York. Winners got groovy new pencils based on the late George Lois’ original design.

Good that an awards show puts craft up front, as opposed to the ability to write endless submission case histories in a bemusing number of categories, some of which hardly seem creative at all.

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