
Marketing Week (and elsewhere) blasts from the past: Andrew Ward’s photography

Back in the day – way back in the day – trade magazines used to sport outstanding photography. Campaign had the inimitable Keith Macmillan (“Tell you what Keith, you ask the questions and I’ll take the pictures.”)

Marketing Week had Andrew Ward and Sarah King, who immortalised many strange people from companies with funny names.

Andy has just produced a book of his excellent works (see below for details) and here are some of them (not all from Marketing Week, you can probably guess which one wasn’t.)

He’s also found a few, we think from MW, who we can’t name. Can anyone there help out? Let us know if you can (or if it’s you.)

Anyway, it’s a great book, also including some really interesting people.

Hardback (25x25cm) £30 including postage and packing. Contact Andy via email on [email protected] to order via PayPal or bank transfer.

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