
My Ad of the Year: Chris Birch ECD of VCCP London

“Welllll it’s a late runner but Asda’s Elf has to be a contender for my favourite ad of the year.

The type of idea the whole nation loves nearly as much as the film. And one where you definitely go ‘aww baubles, we wish we’d thought of that’. Fun, silly, really well done, and very Asda. Big green bellish hats off to the Havas and Asda family.

And something we’re proud of here at VCCP towers is Cadbury’s ‘Sign with fingers big and small’. A cracking partnership, that makes a simple quiet point, does something really important in the real world and all for a lovely long, slightly silly biscuit. Ahhh biscuits. Merry Christmas everyone.





Chris Birch is executive creative director at VCCP


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