
MAA Ad of the Week: Leagas Delaney for Royal British Legion

The Royal British Legion was formed in 1921 to help handle the fallout from the First World War in which millions died and has been supporting servicemen and women ever since, notably with its October Poppy Appeal.

Most people now don’t have a relative who experienced the Second World War so keeping its message relevant and the poppy money flowing is quite a task. Especially, perhaps, when the last two British wars – Afghanistan and Iraq – were highly controversial grinding defeats.

So you need to get the tone right and Leagas Delaney’s 2021 effort, ‘Close Your Eyes,’ does so as it invites quiet reflection. There’s also a big social media campaign with service personnel stories.

Leagas Delaney chairman Tim Delaney says: Tim Delaney: “We are incredibly proud of our continued work for the Royal British Legion. It has always been our belief that we cannot ask the public to care about what the Royal British Legion does, day in day out, if they do not understand the sacrifices made by service men and woman.

“This campaign calls for a moment of reflection, during which the nation can consider the selflessness required to serve in the Armed Forces.”

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