HSBC and Purplebricks: poles apart in the persuasion game
HSBC, one of the world’s biggest banks, has a new “purpose,” you’ll be pleased to hear: opening up a world of opportunity.
Thought bankers’ purpose was to make as much money as possible to buy a house in the country/yacht and, around where I live, yappy small dogs.
Anyway, HSBC’s last purpose was ‘We are not an island,’ which seemed to be something to do with Brexit although they said it wasn’t. Now a new campaign from Wunderman Thompson, seeks to show how physical, attitudinal and cultural borders can act as barriers to opportunity. With Richard Ayoade once again doing the business (if, indeed, it is business.)
CMO Becky Moffat says: “Our purpose is to open a world of opportunity for our customers, and that means helping people understand and overcome some of the barriers that exist today – most of which are invisible, or we don’t see unless they affect us personally.
“We believe we have a role to play in removing these barriers; from helping people without a fixed home address open a bank account to funding scholarships for the next generation of Black students at Cambridge University, we’re determined to play our part in creating a society where there is equal opportunity for all.”
So there you are, making the world a better place (again.)
MAA creative scale: 4.
At least with Purplebricks, the online estate agent, you know what they’re trying to sell. With new “face of the brand, well-known comedian Mo Gilligan.” Well-known by some I guess. From Snap LDN.
Won’t be detaining them in Cannes but at least there’s a simple benefit – you get your money back if they don’t sell – in a bid for more market share. At least it’s understandable.
MAA creative scale: 5.