Adam&eveNYC seeks official status for Miller High Life as “champagne of beers”
Miller High Life styles itself the “champagne of beers” (have to consult my friend George Parker on this one) and now, to coincide with National Tourism Day in the US, it’s cheekily demanding that this soubriquet is only allowed for beer brewed within the brewery’s (very large) Milwaukee HQ. By adam&eveNYC.
It’s also looking for a “champagne of beers ambassador” who get $20K of the stuff for refuelling purposes.
Agency creative directors Toby Kennedy and Jordy Molloy say: “Miller High Life has a rich history in Milwaukee, stretching back over a century. The brewery sits on hallowed ground. And we figured, if champagne can only come from Champagne, France, then why is The Champagne of Beers any different?”
Cheeky and effective. Adam&eveNYC seems to gaining some real purchase in the most difficult of markets after a slowish start.
MAA creative scale: 8.