
Trump assisted by Kim Kardashian’s kindness in latest ad

A couple of years ago, Kim Kardashian went to the White House and persuaded Donald Trump to let Alice Johnson out of prison, where she was serving a life sentence for cocaine trafficking. A few days ago, Trump gave Alice Johnson a full pardon and, at the same time, put out this ad, which is getting 74 per cent approval, according to YouGov.

Kardashian has said that she doesn’t necessarily agree with Trump’s politics, but she has given his team an excuse to create this very slick ad, which portrays Trump as a president committed to criminal justice reform, “reuniting thousands of families” in the process.

In 1997, Alice Johnson was sentenced to life in prison for a first-time non-violent offence. She’d just suffered the death of her youngest son, got divorced, lost her job and her house, and Kim Kardashian did her a huge favour – seems like she’s inadvertently done Trump a favour in the process.

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