
Post-lockdown creativity: Callen debuts for Maserati

Here’s a new campaign for Maserati’s top of the range Trofeo “collection,” another of those expensive and rapid SUVs that you really don’t need but might like to have (if you have £130,000 hanging around or can pay the monthly rent.)

Interestingly it’s from Callen, the newish Austin-based indie that Wieden+Kennedy is backing. Even though Maserati is supposedly ensconced at Accenture’s Droga5. But W+K is good at muscling in on car accounts, it seems to be handing Ford in the US even though the official creative agency is BBDO. In lockdown maybe anyone has a chance if they can put together an ad.

Car ads have gone from what my pal Jerry Judge calls “running footage” (zooming along the same old roads) to piles of glistening tech.

Well this certainly glistens.

MAA creative scale: 6.

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