
Sweet and salty ad ban would end chapter in UK adland

Banning HFSS products (high fat, salt, sugar) until a 9pm watershed in the UK will close a long era in British adland – responsible for, shall we say, highs and lows.

Here’s one from Kellogg’s three years ago that managed to get banned then, presumably for suggesting Coco Pops were more tasty than fruit. Nobody’s going to make these if they can only reach adults (however they’re defined.)

Do such ads actually cause obesity? Boris Johnson evidently thinks so although bet he hasn’t seen very many. Many people maintain poverty is the cause of obesity; sounds counter-intuitive but it’s cheaper (and easier) to buy a child a packet of crisps than buy and prepare what we used to call a square meal (they’re probably off the menu too now.)

Not good news for the advertising animation industry; nor for the creatives who used to enjoy the run of the pre-teen playground.

Anyone recall Nestle’s “Um Bongo, Um Bongo, they drink it in the Congo?” A big success at the time. Doubt it would play so well now.

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