MAA blast from the past – Orange by Mother
Mobile brand Orange (it still exists in France) is much missed in the UK, absorbed into the great blob of EE.
But its 1980s launch was an example of WCRS at its best and later it moved its efforts to cinema deals – ‘Orange Wednesdays.’ New agency Mother was charged with, essentially, sales promotion on cinema screens, the ostensible hook being to persuade people to turn off their mobiles.
Doesn’t sound very promising does it? But Mother clearly decided to enjoy itself, rounding up a gaggle of Hollywood A-listers (Rob Lowe, Steven Segal et al) to pitch to the Orange Film Funding Board, an eerily lifelike bunch of complete philistines.
Here’s a star-free but very funny intro effort from 2003.
And John Cleese from 2005.
The essence of Mother-ness.