
Asda’s 20-second revival with AMV BBDO gears up for Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is coming up soon (I’ve been forgetting it for decades – not sure exactly when) and here’s a lively effort from AMV BBDO for Asda.

Part of a ‘Don’t Compromise’ campaign which shows promise.

Asda, now owned by Walmart, used to occupy the Aldi ‘cheapest price’ slot in the UK. That’s become pretty uncomfortable with the relentless rise of the German discounters (Lidl increased its sales a staggering 11 per cent in the last three months) so Asda, which is supposedly being fattened up for a public listing as Walmart books out, need all the ad help it can get.

‘Don’t Compromise’ is, presumably, the quality and value argument against the discounters although their quality and range is improving all the time, even challenging Waitrose in some places.

But this campaign shows traditional AMV planning nous. It also makes very good use of 20 seconds.

MAA creative scale: 7.5.

This is an update version of an earlier story.

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