Tamara Ingram quits WPP’s Wunderman Thompson
Tamara Ingram (below) is stepping down as global chair of Wunderman Thompson, after a long career including CEO roles at Saatchi & Saatchi and Grey before she took over at JWT following the Gustavo Martinez affair and prior to JWT’s merger with Wunderman.
The jury’s still out on Wunderman Thompson but WPP CEO Mark Read has reason to be grateful for Ingram, who’s going to concentrate on other interests including charity Save the Children. Ingram said in a staff memo: “Having done so much with so many people and creators, I wanted to take that learning and put it toward doing good for other people.”
Read said: “I have learned a tremendous amount from her about our industry and what makes it special, and this has been invaluable to me. Having watched her in action, not only do I have a few stories, but I can say that there are few better at building relationships between clients and agencies that get the best out of both.”
It would be interesting if Ingram herself chose to reveal said stories. In a long career she’s seen more than her fair share of turbulence, initially at Saatchi. Replacing Martinez when JWT was rocking (not in a good way), working through the defenestration of WPP founder and CEO Sir Martin Sorrell and then overseeing a shotgun marriage that not that many people thought would work is probably enough for anyone.