
Is Budweiser’s new ‘king’ Sergio Ramos too tough for football supporters?

Do Budweiser and new agency on the block Deutsch New York entirely get football?

Latest in Bud’s ‘King’ campaign is one Sergio Ramos, captain of Real Madrid and veteran Spanish international who’s known, shall we say, for not taking prisoners. Ramos, therefore, divides football supporters’ opinions somewhat.

Here’s the tough guy getting changed with his tattoos magically appearing (and you can buy a limited edition Bud with them on the bottle.)

Bud sales are tanking in the US so this is clearly targeting the rest of the world, where there will be millions of Read Madrid supporters no doubt.

The new limited edition edition bottles are also on sale in England – doubt that they’ll be selling many in Liverpool after Ramos crocked Mo Salah in the Champions League final a couple of years ago. Or Barcelona for that matter.

MAA creative scale: 3.

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