Lucky Generals is a big Super Bowl winner too
Some of us, of a certain vintage, are fond of remarking, in a mood of serious contemplation or in the pub, that the world would be completely shellacked if the internet went down for good or somebody nicked it.
There’s a certain irony therefore in huge internet based tech wizards imagining the same, for fun. Apple did it a year or so ago and Amazon has scored mightily at the Super Bowl with its film depicting Alexa losing her voice. It ranks first on USA Today’s Super Bowl Ad Meter. Another win for that man Bezos (he’s in the ad too).
Just as big a winner is UK agency Lucky Generals. It’s its second big Amazon ad following a decent Christmas effort and, finally, gives it the big brand (and big budget) it’s lacked in its admittedly sparky youth.
Working on a series of smaller brands, like the inevitable Paddy Power, didn’t hurt it. The agency sold a stake to Omnicom and became the leading light in TBWA Group in the UK, orchestrating the installation of a new regime at the habitually under-performing TBWA London.
But Amazon is the biggest of big times on the marketing stage at the moment and puts the Generals squarely on the global map. A big FMCG assignment is surely next.