
Tesco’s rotten turkeys are a harbinger of retail gloom

Just when Tesco boss Dave Lewis thought he could sit down to Christmas lunch in relative peace – a turkey from Tesco? – the dreaded Christmas banana skin struck and Tesco customers across the land started complaining about rotten turkeys from Tesco and worse.

Tesco and agency BBH made great play of their turkeys in their Christmas campaign, supported by a big contribution to charity of…turkeys.

These things happen of course – although someone might have checked the wretched fowl – and shouldn’t detract too much from the real progress Tesco has made in turning itself from perhaps the country’s most unloved retailer into more of a family favourite. BBH has played a significant part in this.

Tesco is certainly in a rather better place than many of its high street peers, anxiously peering through the door to see if anyone’s coming to the sales.

It looks like there’ll be the even more than usual grim news from the retail sector when the quarterly rent bills hit in the New Year.

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