
Buzzman provides a new spin on hot air for South Park game

What’s in a fart? Methane according to this new ad from Buzzman for Ubisoft’s new South Park video game The Fractured But Whole. It’s a competition to find the best farter and you can enter at

The ad’s a satirical take on talent shows. Could have been awful but if there was ever a case of client and agency being made for each other it’s this.

There are some interesting agency politics buried in this too.

Buzzman is providing a stern challenge for the mighty BETC Paris at the wacky end of the creative spectrum. BETC is owned by Havas, now part of Vivendi which has been stalking Ubisoft all year. Were it to take over the French game maker then the account would probably find its way to BETC (that’s the way Vincent Bolloré does things).

So this might be seen as a raspberry too.

The film? Making a funny ad out of an absurdity is more difficult than it looks. This is deftly done.

MAA creative scale: 9.

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