Conor Brady of Critical Mass: my Top Tips for Cannes
Conor Brady is chief creative officer of experience design agency Critical Mass.
My Top Tips for Cannes
The Refugee Nation for Amnesty International by Ogilvy/New York
Is there a bigger idea than creating a nation for the Olympics? If ever there was a piece of work to make you jealous, here it is. Everything about it is brilliant. Let’s start with the fact that they got the IOC to do this, something in the true spirit of the Olympics, and welcome in the age of the superstar athlete. The Flag they created for their new “Nation” might be one of my favorite pieces. Everything, from the national anthem to the flag, was created by members of this new nation—refugees.
Field Trip To Mars for Lockheed Martin by McCann/New York
I love the idea that they just turned a whole school bus into what is essentially a VR headset. It is such a smart way to get around that “solo, locked in your own world” experience of VR. They created a beautiful interactive experience of literally driving on Mars. Why did kids only get to do this?
Reword For Headspace by Leo Burnett/Melbourne + Studio Pancho/Melbourne
A really nice use of technology to help with something that just shouldn’t happen in the world. It’s nice to see technology being useful in making lives better. If the numbers are to be believed—if this can help eradicate 80 per cent of bullying in kids exposed to it – then we should all be shouting from the rooftops about this work.